Real Property Management of Sarasota & Manatee

What Do the Fees for Bradenton Property Management Cover?

Many Bradenton landlords falsely believe that property managers merely collect rent and do little else for their property management fee. The reality is that rent collection is just a small part of the overall services provided to rental property owners by a good property manager.

Support Comes in Two Flavors

A great property manager provides Bradenton real estate investors with two types of invaluable support: tangible and intangible. Let’s discuss these in further detail so that you know what you stand to gain from expert property management.

Tangible Support

Tangible support encompasses the physical activities required to be performed on behalf of property owners with respect to the leasing and management of their rentals. These tangible activities may include:

In the Leasing Phase:

In the Management Phase:

During a Standard Move-Out:

If Eviction Is Required:

Intangible Support

Intangible support includes the ‘behind the scenes’ activities carried out by the property manager on behalf of the rental owner. Intangible support activities may include:

Acting as a Limited Liability Shield

Savvy property managers increase their value to landlords by acting as “stand-in landlords” with respect to leasing. Tenants actually enter into a lease agreement with the property management company as landlord, not the property owner. This added layer of protection means the property owner has no direct legal connection to the tenant. While this arrangement in no way guarantees complete shielding from legal disputes resulting from the tenancy, it can help to mitigate any risk to the property owner.

Aggravation Barrier

Most people not involved with property management would be astounded by the number of crazy calls property managers receive. The things tenants call to report can range from legitimate to downright disturbing—and sometimes, hilarious. A true example:

Tenant: “Please send someone out immediately—my bathroom smells funny.”
Property Manager (PM): “What exactly does it smell like?”
Tenant: “There’s a musty smell.”
PM: “When was the last time you cleaned your bathroom?”
Tenant: “Probably a few months ago.”
PM: “Try cleaning your bathroom and let me know how that works.”
Tenant: “Okay, I’ll let you know.”

Tenant:  “My oven is broke.”
PM: “So sorry to hear that, please tell me exactly what’s going on with it?”
Tenant: “My cookies aren’t browning evenly.”

Needless to say, after twenty minutes spent on the phone, we explained why we would not, and could not buy her a new oven.

There are hundreds of stories like this! As a property owner, you shouldn’t underestimate the time, energy, and expense that goes into dealing with tenant issues. Not to mention the around the clock (no holidays off) nature of the job. A competent property manager will “uncouple” you from your property, both physically, and emotionally. This is an invaluable service by its own merits! When you hire a professional property management company, you get the financial rewards of investment property ownership without the hassle and personal toil.

Final Thoughts

Professional property management companies handle the entire leasing and property management process, thus freeing up your time, and helping to shield you from legal liability. You simply check your monthly statements and make sure your direct deposits hit your account on time. The property manager handles all day-to-day hassles on your behalf, which frees you to live your life apart from your investments.

About the Author

John Michailidis, JD, is the broker/owner of Real Property Management of Sarasota & Manatee, a Sarasota, FL based residential property management company providing both Full-service and Lease-Only services to local area landlords.  If you own residential investment real estate anywhere in Manatee or Sarasota counties, do feel free to reach out to our team at 941-216-0005, or through our website.