Real Property Management of Sarasota & Manatee

Keep Disaster at Bay by Preventing Water Damage

A problem that Nokomis rental property owners need to be prepared for is water damage. Even when the amount of water we’re talking about is relatively small, it can still be pretty destructive. It could creep into ceiling joists, walls, floors, and even get into a building’s foundation and slowly weaken it. Just one or two inches of water on the floor can lead to damages that would need tens of thousands of dollars in repairs. As a property owner, you can’t avoid all water-related emergencies. However, there are some things you can do to prevent water damage and the expensive repairs that come with it. Here are tips that you can follow to keep your Nokomis investment property safe from preventable floods and leaks.

Prepare for Severe Weather

Severe weather incidents can lead to water damage. This is quite common in areas where people face storms regularly. Strong wind and heavy rain may cause water damage. And if your property is in a flood-prone area, you’ll need to be wary of flash flooding as well.

To prevent water damage, you need to have your rental property prepared to withstand severe weather. For example, once a year, inspect your roof for any cracks or gaps and make sure to seal them shut. If there are shingles that are missing, replace them as needed. Also, ensure that your flashing, gutters, and downspouts have been correctly installed and are in good shape. If you’re expecting periods of heavy rain, start improving the drainage around your property’s foundation to move water away from the walls. If your property is in a flood zone, think about having sandbags on hand. Or, at least, have some sandbagging supplies nearby. These can really help protect your property. Even during unexpected weather events, a little preparation can be a great help in keeping your property safe and dry.

Clean the Gutters

Other likely causes of water damage are incorrectly installed and clogged gutters. Your gutter system is designed specifically to draw the water away from the rental property structure. The problem is when the gutter accumulates leaves, twigs, and other debris. Instead of water flowing through it, the water overflows over it and down the side of the house instead. When this happens, a lot of problems can happen. There could be leaking ceilings, wood rot, damaged drywall, and also ruined flooring. And, if left unchecked for long enough, leaking gutters can even erode a cement foundation and also destroy your landscaping.

To prevent this from happening, simply clean your rental property’s gutters at least twice a year. See to it that you clear out any debris. Then check the gutter system for any leaks and pooling water. Cleaning and making small repairs on a gutter system will help prevent any water damage from occurring. On top of that, you’re going to save on repair costs in the long run as well.

Inspect Your Plumbing (and Water Heater)

The inside of your rental property could also get water damage. If it happens, it’s usually because of plumbing issues. Leaking pipes, broken faucets, worn-out washing machine hoses, and old water heaters are the common causes of water damage. Even a slow or blocked drain– something people think of as a small problem– could lead to serious water damage. And that damage could require some costly emergency repairs.

To prevent water damage inside your rental home, see to it that you go through an annual inspection of your entire plumbing system. A professional plumber would be able to see developing problems during an inspection. Then you could have these fixed before they worsen. You prevent water disasters when you treat plumbing problems while they’re small. You also prevent spending a lot of money on repairs when you do that. You should also keep track of your water heater’s age and condition. See to it that it gets serviced regularly and that it’s replaced before it fails. A failing water heater can leak water and possibly flood a basement or garage. When this happens, you wouldn’t have to just buy a new unit, you’d also have to pay for clean-up and repairs. By replacing it before it fails, you’ll make your cash flow a lot easier to plan, and you’d avoid unnecessary expenses.


Preventing water damage could be tough. You’d need a good deal of time and experience in good property management. Instead of doing it all yourself, consider hiring one of our professional Nokomis property managers to handle your preventive maintenance and inspections. To learn more, contact us online.