Real Property Management of Sarasota & Manatee

Why Owners Love Real Property Management of Sarasota & Manatee!

The Verdict is in! Virtually 100% of Residential Rental Owners Love Real Property Management of Sarasota & Manatee!

How do we know that owners love Real Property Management of Sarasota & Manatee?  We recently completed a poll of our owner clients, asking three simple questions:

  1. When initially considering property managers to hire, what was your #1 most important concern?
  2. What one thing does Real Property Management of Sarasota & Manatee do really well in your eyes?
  3. In what areas might Real Property Management of Sarasota & Manatee improve the quality of your experience with us?

Far and away, the #1 most important concern of landlords when searching for a property management company was TRUST!  They expressed it with such words and phrases as:

Answers to the second question, “What one thing does Real Property Management of Sarasota & Manatee do really well in your eyes?,” can all be boiled down to the following:

  1. You “take away my worries” and give me “peace of mind.”
  2. You “communicate well” and are “very responsive.”
  3. You stay “on top of maintenance” and I love your “regular inspection videos.”

And now, perhaps the most surprising answers of all!  Given the dismal state of mediocrity that runs rampant in the property management industry, these answers were a real eye-opener.  By far, the most common answer to the question, “In what areas might Real Property Management of Sarasota & Manatee improve the quality of your experience with us?,” was . . .

“I can’t think of anything!”

Way more than 90% of our clients answered, “I can’t think of anything,” when asked what we could do to improve the service they receive from us!  Now that, is both an honor, and humbling.

How blessed we are to have such clients, who put so much faith in us to care for their properties, and look out for their best interests.  Call us to experience for yourself why virtually 100% of residential rental owners love Real Property Management of Sarasota & Manatee!